Monday, June 20, 2011

The Fats of Life

As I awaited the arrival of the infamously dreadful 70 Bus yesterday in municipal DC, an SUV pulled up to the red light, all windows down. In the midst of rush hour traffic, myself and the other lowly sidewalk inhabitants heard the backseat passenger [an African American man, no less -_-] hurl a barrage of insults toward the driver. Sitting there, with despair and frustration deep in her eyes was an overweight, pardon me, an obese [morbidly] woman. Based on the commentary of her backseat passenger, I deduced that she was in a relationship with this man. I felt sorry for her, because despite the hurt and anger I could see in her eyes, she sat there, making no comments, statements or arguments to the man's horrid description of her intellectual and physical state of being.

I reflected on the countless occassions where I have seen overweight women exploited and manipulated by men, and thought, "Where the hell is our dignity? Have we no pride?"

Enough beating around the bush, it's not a secret that fat women have a hard time finding themselves in relationships.... I mean come on, society makes it clear that we're [yes, as indicated by the title of this blog, I myself is, indeed, a Fat] the underdogs of society. I've had guy friends say that they're 2 groups in society they would never engage with, regardless of how well they carried themself, how great a personality, and all that great stuff; a Dwarf and a Fat. In a perfect world we would love to be pure hearted and give fat women [and dwarfed women] a chance, however, we live in a superficial world, a Barbie world, if you will, and shit just will NOT change, we haffto get over it. My thing is, just because we're acknowledging this fact does NOT mean that we should then subject ourselves to inferior treatment from men, or be desperate in satisfying these innate needs.

To put things into perspective, let us list the top 5 sterotypes of fat bitches: [please stop being offended of my use of the word bitches; it's a product of the culture I have chosen to embrace. It in no way reflects my views on women. Otherwise, come the hell off ma page]

1. They breathe hard
2. Muffin tops, always
3. Always sweaty
4. Can always be found at a McDonalds/BK, fast food rest. of the like
5. Are Easy

Now, granted, these are probably all true of many fat women [CERTAINLY not all]. However, the one I find most perturbing? Yup! Numero cinco!

What makes a person easy? [in the purest sense of the word, not to be confused with promiscuous.] Self Esteem! Sadly, women struggle with a need for intimacy/attention/affection , and as soon as they see themselves recieveing either one or all of these, they are vulnerable to manipulation. Of course, it is then perfectly logical that fat women would be easy, since they have low self esteem. [Literally, this claim is perfectly logical, even if placed in a truth table using propositional logic]. Truth of the matter is, Insecurity and low self-esteem are universal to women of all races, religions and creeds; sizes, colours and tastes. This needs to come off the list of "Fat bitch stereotypes". Too often men say "Yeh, I fucked with fat bitches, thass easy pussy". No! One's physical attributes should NOT be the determinant factor of the level of one's self esteem!

Throughout the duration of this blog, I will reiterate this sentiment, and show all the fat women out there that we indeed can be empowered! We can certainly carry ourselves with dignity, and we can gracefully dispell society's illustration of our people. There are rules to be followed, guidelines to be consulted; if everyday the only time you're seen briskly walking is to be the first in line at Dunkin Donuts, then you're doing us a disservice... I'm just saying.
I've already acknowledged the sad fact that society will probably not change their perspective on fat bitches, we're lazy, we're slow, we're this or we're that. However, it is completely within the hands of each and every fat bitch to fight these sterotypes with all their might and prove them erroneous! This blog may last 1 day, or 10 years. The aim is, and will always be to allow women, who like myself, happen to be larger, to carry themselves with a sense of dignity, integrity and pride. It goes way further than how one dresses [though this is a HUGE start]. It begins with an initial mindset. It comes with acknowledging that yes, we are the mutants of society, but this is no excuse to settle with being modern societ's huge [pun intended] inside joke.

So ladies, join me as we embark on a new era, the era of the Empowered Fats.

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