Thursday, May 17, 2012

Close Encounters of the Fat Kind.

I've been meaning to do this for months, so now that I'm comfortably out of school, having successfully completed this Degree, *Pelvic thrusts and epilepsy attacks*, I have all the time in the world to explore this issue;

 Factors Preventing Women in the Fat Community from Healthy, Lasting [Any] Relationships.

N.B.- Fortunately, this situation is far less prevalent than it was in yesteryear. However, personal experience has moved me to bring the issue to the forefront, so shut the fuck up and hear me roar.

I have several theories that attempt to explain the evident apprehension experienced by men facing the current predicament. I invite you to take a few minutes from your stressful day and indulge me. I promise, it won't be long.

The first, and more common of the reasons is the fear men often express of the negative reactions from their Friends
- at which point, I daresay, you shouldn't care to be bothered with this man, he clearly isn't mature enough to independently think. I would hardly even classify the creature as a fucking man. Men go about engaging with women NOTORIOUS for their promiscuity, ignoring any commentary or forewarnings from their friends. These same motherfucking pieces of shit men will exclaim in an instant "Nah, I'm not boutta try to talk to her, you want my friends to play me?" Sir, if this is your excuse, hold a heartfelt FUCK OFF and go about your pathetic life, Many Thanks.

The Second reason has much to do with stereotypes of Fat Women. These include but are not limited to the following.
- The delicate issue of activities in the boudoir. - Basically, Awkward sex. I blame the media for never showing us in an intimate light. There are NEVER any fat bitches in the Bold and the Beautiful [Sally Spektra ain't NEVER get no kinda love!]
- Not sexy - If this wasn't an anonymous blog, I would SHOW you bitches what sexy truly is *scoffs*. I again blame the media for their portrayal of what women should look like. You hoes KNOW I stress good health, but I also am vehemently against the idea of striving for dress sizes rather than a healthy weight. The media has little or no positive Portrayal of larger women in functional, lovey-dovey, mushy ass relationships [again, hats off to "Drop Dead Diva"]. No matter your argument, Media defines what a "Bad Bitch" is, and I haven't seen a SINGLE magazine since Adele's Grammy wins portraying anyone over a size 8 in an attractive light. In this case, i urge you to go against the cookie-cutter image of what is taught to be sexy, and see and acknowledge what truly is sexy in the flesh, when confronted with it. [Size 6, or a size 16].

The third reason is one which is far more forgiving than the previous.
- Fat women simply may not be the preference of a man in this predicament. Everyone is entitled to a preference. I'm personally partial to the taller and darker members of the sex. Just as I find it humanly impossible to be attracted to any man less than 6'2", it's forgivable to simply not find larger women attractive. This reason aptly segues into the final justification a man may have for being apprehensive, I implore you to read on.

Lastly, the most complex of the justification of Fat-Bitch abuse; Dating a Fat Woman is against the better judgement of the person. 
- This concept is extremely complicated so allow me to explain. I'm an attractive young lady, gorgeous face, commanding presence, [extremely] well put together, BADDEST BITCH ALIVE,  etc, etc. I also happen to be keenly perceptive and observant of body language, facial expressions and any other indicator that a man is in the least bit attracted to a woman. [Yes, bitches, I'm on the prowl]. I know many of you will read this and think "what a self-obsessed, narcissistic, snobbish bitch". Though I am exactly that, the previous description of myself is not without credible evidence. I cannot count the amount of times I've seen men second-guess me. Attractive, civilized, seemingly successful men. They stand agape for all of 10 seconds, they double, triple, quadruple-take, and then the look of apprehension spreads across their face, they hang their heads, and continue about their business not without stealing a final glance. I graduated from an accredited University with a Bachelors in Psychology, I know what I'm talking about. 
To the men who find themselves often plagued with this.... this syndrome, stop second guessing. We really don't bite [vouching for myself here, I don't know the freaky shit other bitches be on]. I know society's tried to convince you of what attractive women should look like. Many of us don't fit the description, but we're fucking gorgeous. It's within your hands to grow some balls, step your pussy up and make the best of it. 

In concluding, please allow me to say that any alleged man who refuses to court a woman or engage with her on an intimate level on the basis of Aesthetics must immediately desist from classifying himself as such. No true man would allow so petty an issue to cloud his judgement and impede his potential happiness. If you, as a man in this day and age has taken the brave step, [for it is indeed a brave step], to date a woman from our esteemed community, I take my hat off to you.



  1. Great blog, but by your perception of what an attractive man is, I think the media may have something to do with that. Most girls that I know of highly admire a tall, dark and handsome guy. I believe that this conception/perception really has something to do with the media.

    you find it "humanly impossible to be attracted to any man less than 6'2" "???

    you were so hard on "men" who don't look beyond aesthetics- in that, I assume you are referring to size.

    What's it with you who do not look below a certain height? contradiction? I believe so. By your logic, one could infer that you're not a real woman.

    I'm less than 6'2", and I'd shamelessly go out with you. FACT. But, after such a strong statement, damn.....

    1. Thanks so much for reading! And yeh, I definitely agree with you on the contradictory nature (borderline hypocritical) of the post. It's one of my little things I guess, they're in damn near everything I've written. It's like I've often said, I'm a walking contradiction lol.

      Re: my preference, it's just that. A preference, but I've actually dated a guy shorter than me, in fact only ONE of my "exes" has ever fit my preference. The reason I found that excuse to be the most forgiving is that we all have these preferences,but if we see someone who doesn't fir said preference, we mustn't be so quick to dismiss them.

      As to your willingness to date me, despite your being less than 6'2", lol, thank you. :). Know that these posts are highly sarcastic, and that exceptions always apply. My personal choice to avoid shorter men is the fact that I myself (in my imagination) is pretty much 6', si I'd be uncomfortable being physical with someone shorter.

      Keep Reading and commenting! ^_^

    2. lol...oh wow! i get u, i get u..quite understandable!

  2. I love love love love love this Keebs #bookmarked!!!!!! Ur awesome

  3. Aww sookie sookie now!! @ first poster. Teeheehee

  4. Hahahahahaha this cracks me the eff up lol! And the 1st post makes a lot of sense! He got u there keebs... He's accusing of doing the same damn thing you're writing about...

  5. Keebs, looks matter. We get bored by the intelligence, dont act like you would get into a relationship with someone you though of as physically unattractive! And your definition of ugly as someone said above, is influenced by the media, and the environment you are directly immersed in,
    So don't be so harsh on us men for not necessarily indulging in dating women of a certain shape or look. Just my 2cents

  6. (Cont) However, this is a very funny post, but I think you could incorporate more sense/logic into this.

  7. Sumtimes a guy needs to step up....forreal keebs :)
