Wednesday, July 27, 2011

In Our Defence...

An Ode to Adele

[NB: I'm about to go in right quick.]
So what the fuck is the deal these days? Why is everyone so pressed about Adele losing weight? What the hell has our society come to when we can't enjoy the AMAZING talent of someone without them fitting aesthetically into society's crock pot theories of beauty? The sad part about it is that the girl isn't even that fat! So she has a double chin and chubby cheeks.... get the hell over it! Yet we have hoes like Rihanna wailing away and being recognized solely because the bitch done found inspiration in a fast food restaurant chain and has established herself as Christian Louboutin's mascot. [She gets points because they do have the best Frosties in the world.]

Someone went as far as to describe Adele as "Casper the friendly whale" on my timeline the other day [I won't lie, I cried with laughter] and I was absolutely blown away at the fact that he acknowledged this before stating what a Godsend her voice is. Adele's phenomenal vocals are even more captivating when paired with her words. Her words have the ability to penetrate one’s soul, much like a dementor, but instead fills one with life, overwhelming emotion and joy. I don't mean to dick ride, but clearly, I'm a huge fan of hers. To see her being more heavily critiqued because of her size than she is recognized for her talent really pisses me off, especially because she ISN'T THAT BIG!
We as a society need to re evaluate how we view people, and the importance we place on aesthetics, especially as it relates to the entertainment industry. Talent is talent, so let's acknowledge it as such.

Fads on Fads on Fads

Secondly, what's with this whole "get-fit-craze" that's sweeping the nation? I can't go on twitter without seeing 50 people tweet consecutively about how hard they're hitting the gym, about the 10 miles they run each day, followed by 14 laps in the pool, the palates and the motherfucking yoga... I mean, come on people. What offends me most is that these same people get neither smaller NOR more toned! What the fuck?????
Our society is progressed by fads; you people are really going out of hand [and pocket] now. Look closely at the amount of people investing in bikes these days [I cannot WAIT for winter to hit], the increasing number of vegetarians/vegans, how everyone is striving to be this environmentally conscious, deep, socially responsible, extra liberal person [everyone has a kindle, watches Bill Maher and avidly watches C-Span all of a sudden]. We get it, it's cool to be hippie, but come on.... how long will it really last? -_- And most importantly, what's the motive? The art of working out has now been desecrated by a bunch of vapid bitches seeking some social approval, desperately awaiting everyone's acknowledgement of their tremendous discipline and hard work. Keep waiting hoes, because I see right through you and I know what the fuck you're about!

I'm not gonna contradict myself and say that I haven’t encouraged a healthy lifestyle. Indeed, a healthy diet, some daily exercise is great, but when I see you tweeting about striving for a size 2, when your body isn't meant to go below a size 10, then there's a problem that needs to be addressed.
This blog was and continues to be geared towards full figured women, our self empowerment, confidence and wholesome lifestyles. I'll always encourage good health, but ladies, if a size 14 is what you are, be the best and healthiest size 14 you can be. Work out to be healthy, not skinny.

Fatty Boom-boom
Lastly, I've been noticing a barrage of insults, ignorant commentary and heartless bashing of our people lately. That shit is not popping. Once in a while I'm so moved to express the emotional strength it takes to be overweight in this society, so here goes.
I grew up in a country where the greatest extent of obesity is probably a few hundred people that exceed 350 lbs. [Don’t' quote me on that]. Even so, we have all natural, all organic produce, ample opportunities in our daily lives to be active, and don't thrive on the junk food readily available in the United States. Needless to say, there weren't that many fat people around me growing up. I was always larger [I've discovered recently, I wasn't necessarily fat, just big], however, society is cruel, so I was always "Fatty boom-boom". As I got older, nothing changed. I was still bigger than everyone else around me, and the harsh commentary continued. Even at my lowest weight in the 10th grade, at which point my Gam Gam [lol] had become concerned with my weight loss, I was STILL the base of the pyramid on the cheerleading squad.
With all this commentary, criticizing, judgment, of COURSE I struggled with self esteem issues, issues that took years to overcome. I say all this to indicate that when a person deviates from the standard, especially standards as blatant as physical appearance, it's extremely hard to wake up and leave your house every morning. Luckily, boarding school gave me a tough skin, and my people skills allowed me to build up my confidence.
Unfortunately, thousands of others aren't so lucky. We need to bear in mind that larger women honestly are often at a disadvantage. We're judged, face stereotypes of being lazy and untidy, deal with countless unavoidably awkward situations [the question of "so are we gonna acknowledge her weight or...?], and go about life knowing in the back of our minds that someone out there has some slick shit to say to and about us.

All I'm saying is, I guess everyone enjoys a fat joke or 2, but let's be more compassionate and stop placing all overweight people into a generic, overpopulated, sweaty, sandwich smelling, oxygen deprived box.

Warmest Regrards,
EFB ;-)


  1. lol great post missy, i think 'fat' jokes n such is gonna be a fight no one will win, it'a stereo type like jamaican who live in trees.


  2. gabi don't know what she talkin about!

  3. Gam gam!!! Lmaoooo
